Saturday, December 19, 2009

Best of 2009

It's the most wonderful time of the year.

Best of 2009, in no particular order:

Woods - Songs of Shame
Monsters of Folk - s/t
Telekinesis - Telekinesis!
Jarvis Cocker - Further Complications
Morrissey - Years of Refusal
The Pains of Being Pure at Heart - s/t
The Decemberists - The Hazards of Love
Phoenix - Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix
The Soundtrack of Our Lives - Communion
Faunts - Feel.Love.Thinking.Of

Honorable Mention:

Flight of the Conchords - I Told You I Was Freaky
The XX - xx
Regina Spektor - Far
Bishop Allen - Grrr...
Wilco - Wilco (The Album)
They Might Be Giants - Here Comes Science
Grizzly Bear - Veckatimest
Built To Spill - There Is No Enemy
Mt. St. Helens Vietnam Band - s/t
Real Estate - s/t

**new Spoon album - it's great!
**full-length from Brown Recluse! buy their EP now and get in on the ground floor!
**even more Susan Boyle! (just kidding!)
**as always, some bullshit i've never even heard of but will fall ass over feet in love with!


  1. I did not know that you had a that i do...consider me a follower!

  2. Grizzly Bear! I love them! They are on the Twilight New Moon soundtrack that my mom listens to all the time. Go Team EDWARD! Happy Chanuka, Uncle Aaron!
